Eating well is not only important for good weight management or looking great in a special
outfit, but what you eat, how often you eat, and where you eat all effects your dental health too.
Gum disease is a serious, common problem for many people, but teeth cavities are a modern
With the arrival of modified and processed food, we see more tooth decay than ever. In
the paleolithic age, decay was non existant because of the type of food available to us. It was
only what nature had to offer. The quality of our bread has changed, juices contain a lot of sugar;
many foods have chemical additives, sugars and/or preservatives. Many people have chosen to eat
continuously throughout the day, thus elevating our sugar intake, frequency and mouth acidity,
This results in even more decay. Even our animals are getting more tooth decay than ever.
Think about adding fresh vegetables and whole grains to your diet, eliminating as much
processed and sugary food from your meals. You will truly impress your hygienist at your next
dental visit, and your dental health will start to improve.