If you have an imperfect smile that you want to change, then Dr. Lenny Slepchik may recommend dental veneers. One of the unique things about dental veneers is that they can be used to fix a variety of dental problems with just one fabulous solution.
How Do Dental Veneers Work?
Dental veneers are made out of a porcelain material which makes them look and feel more natural. They look just like natural teeth, only improved. Once we decide together the size, shape, and colour of your dental veneers for your smile, Dr. Slepchik will file down your existing teeth and then bond the veneers over the top. But how ,exactly, can veneers help give you the smile you have always wanted?
Straighten Teeth
If your front two teeth are crooked, or if you have a gap in between your teeth, then you may be excited to learn that veneers can actually give you a straighter looking smile without braces. How exactly? Rather than actually straightening your teeth, we will create the illusion of straight teeth with these veneers; veneers are a hassle-free way to get a better-looking youthful smile.
Discoloured Teeth
If you have really yellow teeth or if you have teeth that don’t respond to dental whitening, then veneers may be an easy solution to resolve multiple dental concerns. During your initial consultation appointment, Dr. Slepchik will help find the perfect shade of veneers that will look whiter, brighter and younger but also still look natural. Veneers can enhance your smile easily.
Worn Down Teeth
If you are a tooth grinder and you feel like your front teeth look more like stubs than teeth, then veneers a great option. In addition to getting veneers, Dr. Slepchik may also recommend that you wear a mouth guard at night so that you don’t wear down your veneers.
Whether you have teeth that are crooked, discoloured, chipped, worn down, too small, or just cosmetically imperfect, veneers may help correct any of these issues.
To learn a more about dental veneers and whether they are the right option for you, contact us at our downtown Montreal office today by email at reception@smilesbydrslepchik.com or give us a call at 514-875-7971.